[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Much like the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700 and early 1800’s greatly enhanced the workforce and reduced the cost of hard labor, the Technological Revolution of the late 1900’s, continuing even to this day, is improving efficiency and dropping the cost of internal company processes. Much of the work that used to require accountants and clerks can now be handled by computers and programs. These software applications and processes are far faster, more accurate, and cost less than relying purely on labor alone.

DocXAP, by Virtual Data Partners, modernizes your company’s accounting process with many benefits. It’s not that your staff is any less important. Far from it, your employees are more important, because with DocXAP one employee can now do what used to take many. From maintaining accounts receivable and accounts payable, to internal documentation and communications, what used to require large departments can be run by small teams or even a single employee (depending on your company’s size). We can process all your current vendor invoices and other existing accounting forms using our 99% accurate OCR and validation service.

DocXAP increases productivity in:

Those who resisted the changes brought by the Industrial Revolution struggled or eventually embraced it. In today’s ongoing Technological Revolution, we are seeing the same pattern. Don’t let your company stumble and be relegated to the pages of history books like so many other companies that have refused to utilize these amazing tools. Contact Virtual Data Partners today to see how we can custom-tailor DocXAP to fit your needs![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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