Eliminate The Struggle

Instead of relying on employees to process your vital business documents, outsource the hassle. All you do is simply scan your documents, including the ones that other technologies can’t process, then either email or securely upload them to our dedicated ultra protected servers. We’ll handle the rest!

No Software or Hardware

Why take on the burden of purchasing expensive software and/or hardware to create an in-house solution? That approach can easily result in a serious financial risk. With Virtual Data Partners there is no software to buy, no licenses to maintain – one simple monthly fee gives you complete control.

Reduce Overall Costs

Clients that outsource with VDP instantly remove operational costs, eliminate IT overhead that would be necessary to maintain their own system and processes, and reduce their overall business risk by gaining a serviced-based solution that is custom tailored to fit their specific needs and requirements.

Hours to Setup Your Account
Hours to Return Data Back to You*
Days We're Available to Process for You
Data Accuracy On All Your Documents

A Word About Your Data

First of all, we understand that your data is ALWAYS your data.

Process Matters simply processes your documents using our state-of-the-art DocXtraction service so that you can either push them to DocXchange for workflow and approvals or integrate them directly into any of your line of business applications using a custom structured data file.

In the event you no longer do business with Process Matters, we will return to you a DVD with all of your processed metadata and the associated images, along with a certificate that the data was deleted from our servers.

Intelligent Data Processing (IDP)

DocXtraction is Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), provided by Process Matters, that extracts specified data values from any type of document to support the automation of high-volume, repetitive document processing tasks and for analysis and insight. DocXtraction uses natural language technologies, computer vision, OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) databases, and human quality assurance, to extract data from structured and unstructured content, especially from documents, to support automation and augmentation.

Industry Specific Solutions

Process Matters has over 35 years of combined experience in implementing advanced and complex data extraction, workflow approval, document management, web-to-print, and integration solutions, in a wide variety of industries.

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We’re always standing by and eager to help you. Reach out to learn why we have The X Factor in Intelligent Data Processing!