[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Processing Invoices…it’s the bane of all productive activity within an accounting department. When you’re drowning in a sea of it, all your time and effort is put into just getting back to the surface so you can breathe again. And when you do, it seems like you’ve only gotten a few deep gulps of air before another wave crashes on top of you. But, if you have the right tool, you could travel along the surface and make your way towards a meaningful destination. You need a lifeboat, and at Virtual Data Partners we’ve got one.

DocXAP Keeps You on Top of your AP processing

The two biggest culprits that cause a tidal wave of endless invoices are:

DocXAP overcomes both of these challenges by combining our DocXtraction service, to digitize your information, and DocXchange, to create a smarter workflow and approval platform, into a single service.

What is the Value of DocXAP?

To continue our metaphor, the same as a boat to a drowning man, think of all the resources a drowning man uses to stay afloat. The amount of energy burned to just stay afloat, and how less often he is able to come up for air that his body needs to function. But, with a boat, he is able to breathe more often and go further towards a safe harbor with even less effort than his meaningless struggle before. DocXAP works the same way.

Save Time (and Money)
Air is your time; you’re able to take more time for other valuable projects. This means you’ll waste less money and see a better ROI on what you do spend.

Stress Less. Do More.
The energy in swimming corresponds to the mental fatigue you save. You’ll stress less and get further with the effort you do put in because you aren’t expending all your effort just to tread water.

Ready to breathe easier? Contact us today to begin creating a unique and custom tailored DocXAP solution for your company![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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