[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What if you could have someone, or something, working for you whose accuracy and consistency were quite literally legendary? The kind of force that is still talked about to this day, hundreds of years after the details have long been forgotten. The English once knew someone like that.

One of the most famous legends when it comes to consistent accuracy is the English folk hero, Robin Hood. In addition to his fabled exploits of robbing from wealth accumulated by ill-gotten means to help the peasantry, he is perhaps even more famous for his skills in archery. After all, he is not the only legend to “steal from the rich and give to the poor” – but he is the only one to have one of the rarest feats of skill named after him, “The Robin Hood Shot.” The idea is very simple. First, you hit the center of a bullseye in a target, already difficult enough. Then you repeat the shot so perfectly the second arrow splits the first in half.

Though it has certainly been done before, the idea of any person being to pull off such a feat with any regularity is laughable. However, your company actually CAN have this kind of accuracy and consistency with DocXAP, by Virtual Data Partners. Our data extraction service is backed by 99% accuracy, and our additional workflow and processing system are always on target.

The reason Robin Hood’s legend continues even to this day, is that humans, even when they know how to do something – nay, even when they are the best in their field – are still prone to error. But DocXAP consistently does this for our customers. Time and time again, accounts receivable, accounts payable, internal communications, are handled with a level of accuracy even Robin Hood couldn’t match.

What are you waiting for? Consider hiring Virtual Data Partners and using DocXAP in lieu of adding more employees for your open accounting positions. VDP offers legendary accuracy with DocXAP, and we can help lead your company to new heights over the competition. Schedule a free, no strings-attached consultation today![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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